
Merry Christmas!

Our Nativity on Christmas Eve at Oma and Opa's house:
It was a great night and as you can see Abigail was so happy to be Mary.


Grand Prize Winner

I went to the Larson& Rosenberger Christmas party and won one of the 3 Dell Netbooks! I was a little shocked as I never win anything usually. This is a really cute tiny laptop with about a 9 inch screen- I have just wasted an hour on it reading blogs in the basement as the little boys played with toys. I may have to get used to typing on this with my chubby fingers! I felt a little bad winning a big prize since I did not work very many hours this year. This will be a fun little portable internet device and maybe I'll use it in the kitchen for searching for new recipes.


Productive Playdate

Cathy and I had lots of fun doing cooking projects together today. It is amazing what you can get done when you work together.

Here is what we made:

Ground wheat flour
6 loaves of whole wheat bread
whole wheat pitas
a wheat pancake mix for Cathy to take home
Pico de Gallo
Taco Soup
And we took care of the 7 kids!

Thanks for all of your help Cathy! We'll have to get together again for another productive playdate!