
Springtime Birthday Gift

Paul showed his true love for me this birthday and suprised me by bringing home 6 little chicks. (He really didn't want to get chickens and he thought I was crazy that I wanted some.) The kids love them and stand around the box and just watch them. Austin calls them "cute." Last night when we left to go somewhere, in the car - he kept saying "Bye Bye Cute!"

Here are a few of the names the kids have chosen: Stinker - Anthony named his this because it pooped in my hand, Chirpie - Abby, Cutie- Austin and Paul has lots of names that he wants to give them like BBQ, Honey, Rotisserie, etc - we may just use Honey for his.

Thanks for all the chick advice Cathy and Pete!


It's Another BOY!!!!!

We just found out that we are having another boy! We are so excited! These boys are cute and lots of fun!